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教师公考类 | 中学教师资格证



发布时间: 2020-10-25 05:51:57 发布人:


39年,东汉光武帝刘秀颁布“度田令”,在全国丈量土地亩数,核实户口。这一政策的目的不包括(   )。


A. 清查农业人口数量,方便颁布奖励农耕政策

B. 限制豪强地主兼并土地

C. 抑制豪强地主奴役人口数量的增长

D. 掌握确实的人口和垦田数量以增加赋税收入



下面乐曲中,属于古曲的是(  )。


A. 《高山流水》

B. 《金蛇狂舞》

C. 《春节序曲》

D. 《彩云追月》




If you come to Australia,leave your naughty habits at the door. If you live here,get back in your box.

The Australian government announced in the Federal Budget on Tuesday that it will be slogging smokers top dollar for a pack of ciggies.

Right now,they cost on average A$25($18.91)to A$30 for a packet of 20 or 25 cigarettes,which would already seem like highway robbery to anyone living in any other country on earth. Now,the government will be increasing the cost of cigarettes by 12.5%annually for four years. The increase will smack smokers in September each year.

If you work off a packet costing AS25 today,by 2020 it will set you back a hefty AS40.So unless you are living in a life of luxury,it is probably going to break the bank. Must be time to read the "How to stop smoking" book your old neighbor Dave recommended in 2012.

If you think you'll just bring the cigarettes in through the duty free back door,think again. The government is reducing the amount of cigarettes you can bring into the county from 50 cigarettes to 25 cigarettes. Not 25 packs,25 individual cigarettes. That's one packet.

This price hike will earn the government A$4.7 billion and it will take the tax excise on cigarettes to almost 69% of the average price of a cigarette currently. This is in line with recommendations from the World Health Organization, which advised governments to increase tax by 70% so that it becomes unaffordable.

"These changes will improve the health of Australians by reducing their exposure to tobacco products and will ensure that tobacco products consumed domestically are fully taxed and comply with Australian regulations. "the government noted in the budget papers.

This increase will see Australia remaining easily the most expensive place in the world for smokers. In 2015, cigarettes in the city of Melbourne cost 142% more than in New York. Cigarettes in Sydney were 130% more, according to a Deutsche Bank report.

Australia already has plain packaging laws, which see cigarettes wrapped in generic mould green color and slapped with a photograph of a dying baby.

No more sneaky ciggies for you, casual smoker!

What does the "slogging smokers top dollar for a pack of ciggies "mean in the second paragraph?


A. Taking heavy tax excise on cigarettes.

B. Taking robbery action to smokers.

C. Smacking smokers in September each year.

D. Improve the health of smokers.



下列选项中,不是剪纸作品的特点的是(  )。


A. 玲珑剔透

B. 形象立体

C. 强调装饰

D. 变形夸张



With the villager __________ the way, we had no trouble __ the cottage.


A. to lead; finding

B. to lead; to fred

C. leading; to find

D. leading; finding



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