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学历语言类 | 国外英语考试



发布时间: 2024-03-29 05:01:05 发布人:

1、According to the passage, the caste system would affect all except which of the following scenarios in a caste-observant Indian person’s life?(单选题)

A. A Brahman is having dinner with foreign visitors and is offered either a hamburger or a bowl of rice.

B. A Vaishya mother is considering which of the young women in the local town would make suitable marriage prospects for her son.

C. Two Sudra teenagers engage in a foot race, and the younger of the two wins the race.

D. A 40-year-old man from the Untouchable caste has moved from the countryside to a large city and must look for work in order to support his family.

E. The home of a Kshatriya family is located near a city sewer line, which bursts one day and floods the family’s garage.


2、The Tricounty Bridge was supposed to relieve traffic in East Countway County. Although the bridge was opened last year, traffic in the county has gotten worse over the last year. To relieve the traffic situation in East Countway, therefore, the traffic commission should order the Tricounty Bridge closed.
  Which of the following, if true, gives the most support to the conclusion of the passage above?(单选题)

A. The increased traffic seen in East Countway over the last year is largely attributable to a large casino and resort hotel that opened for business shortly after the opening of the Tricounty Bridge.

B. The Tricounty Bridge allows inhabitants of heavily populated West Countway County to reach East Countway in less than a half-hour, as opposed to the two hours the trip required before the opening of the bridge.

C. The bridge is only open for the periods 7-9 a. m. and 3-5 p.m. on weekdays.

D. Ship captains on the Countway River have complained that the bridge disrupts shipping on the river, thereby hurting the local economy.

E. The bridge is unlikely ever to pay for itself with the current low toll payment.


3、Which of the following inventions, if it could be perfected and manufactured at a viable cost, would address the most challenges to human interstellar space travel, as presented in the passage?(单选题)

A. A ram-scoop drive that can accelerate a spacecraft of any size to four-fifths of the speed of light within 24 hours

B. A cold-sleep capsule that essentially halts the passage of time for human inhabitants while protecting them from all physical harm

C. A sustainable biosphere that reliably generates healthy food and automatically cleans air and water

D. A neutrino-based communications system that permits instantaneous communication across any distance without any relativistic time dilation

E. An impervious force field that protects the ship and its inhabitants from radiation, meteor strikes, or hostile alien attacks


4、Paleontologists hypothesize that modern birds evolved from the family of dinosaurs that included Tyrannosaurus rex. This hypothesis would be strongly supported if evidence that dinosaurs from this family had a body covering resembling feathers could be found, but so far no such evidence has been found.
  Which of the following, if true, would most help the paleontologists explain why no evidence of feathered dinosaurs has yet been found?(单选题)

A. Fossilized dinosaurs have shown many birdlike characteristics, such as bone structure and winglike arms.

B. If birds are in fact the descendants of dinosaurs, then it can be argued that the dinosaurs never really died out.

C. Flying dinosaurs such as the Pteranodon, which is not thought to have been related to modern birds, do not appear to have had feathers.

D. Soft tissues such as skin and feathers do not fossilize like bones, and therefore are far less likely to have left permanent evidence in the fossil record.

E. The thousands of dinosaur fossils excavated by paleontologists represent only a tiny fraction of the billions of dinosaurs that once lived.


5、The skulls and pelvic bones of some species of dinosaur share characteristics with the skulls and pelvic bones of all modern birds. Even though not all dinosaurs have these characteristics, there are scientists who claim that all animals that do have these characteristics are dinosaurs.
  If the statements above and the claim of the scientists are true, which of the following must also be true?(单选题)

A. Birds share more characteristics with dinosaurs than they do with other animals.

B. Some ancient dinosaurs were indistinguishable from modern birds.

C. All animals whose skulls share the characteristics of those of modern birds also have pelvic bones that are similar to those of modern birds.

D. Modern birds are dinosaurs.

E. All dinosaurs are birds.
