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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2024-01-09 05:02:29 发布人:

1、 第(43)选 (单选题)

A. angry

B. ashamed

C. frightened

D. foolish


2、 第(33)题选


3、 第(51)题选 (单选题)

A. lack

B. feel

C. give

D. need


4、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。 
The taxi driver was a man in his late thirties. He picked me up and (36)____me to my place. I usually like to have brief (37)____ with people no matter where I come upon them and this situation was no (38)____
I started by asking him how (39)____ was. He told me briefly that his business was just (40)____ but the cost of gas was really hurting his (41)____ line. We then got around to (42)____the job envi-ronment. He told me that he had difficulty getting another type of work because of his (43)____. "I used to be a con(罪犯) ," he said (44)____ "People look at my record and then I´ m (45)____, but you know I´ ve turned my life around and have been (46)____ for several years. You don´ t seem to be at all (47)____ that you are riding with a con?" As we parked at my place, I thought about my (48)____ for a few seconds."It is never easy to start a new (49)____," I said, "but I´m glad you are starting. If you don´ t want to drive taxi for the (50)____ of your life , then you can move (51)____ to some other job you may be (52)____ "
The driver seemed to be quite (53)____ as he took my money. "What you said to me makes a lot of (54)____," he said. "I will remember your (55)____ and that you were real easy to talk with-- I hope to see you again. "
{TS}第(36)题选 (单选题)

A. led

B. drove

C. showed

D. guided


5、 Parents may find it most difficult to read to their child when s/he__________. (单选题)

A. is 6-7 months old

B. is one year old

C. starts to walk

D. starts to talk



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