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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)

问答题 Practice 1  Directions: Read five students’ talks about traveling around Europe using an Inter-Rail ticket. The ticket allows people under the age of twenty-six to travel wherever they want within Europe for one month. For questions 1 to 5, match the name of each student (1 to 5) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET.  Patrlcia:  I went by Inter-Rail this summer with a group of friends from university. I think it  worked very well, although a few of them said they’d never do it again--I guess it wasn’t  quite like they thought it was going to be--not as comfortable probably. We usually slept in  hostels or on the train so we were completely exhausted but I think we had a great time. Next year 1’11 see if I can perhaps visit fewer places and not get so worn out.  Davis:  I traveled about 6,000 kilometers in four weeks with a couple of friends from college. We spent weeks planning out the route and all the places we were intending to go to. Would I do it again? Well, I’d have to think carefully about that but, on the whole the trip was good for me as I was the official translator, which was great as I’m normally a bit shy of talking to people I don’t know. On the last night of the holiday they treated me to a really expensive meal for helping them out. It was terrific!  Jenise:  Well, I guess I had a good time now” when I look back on it, and I saw eight countries in four weeks. Everything went well but I think that from now on I’ll probably choose to do something else. I want to meet local people rather than just people who work for the train service! I did get to know quite a few other English and American students and they were great but it didn’t do much for my French and German.  Nigel:  I think it’s definitely the best way of getting around Europe even though you have to spend money on the Inter-Rail ticket before you leave. I have a friend who hitch-hikes and he says that’s the only way to travel because it’s free and you see more interesting places. But I knew I could jump on a train wherever I wanted in the morning, while he would still be standing in the rain hoping for a lift. So all in all I think I got the better deal, especially as I could take the night train and save on hotel bills.  Hawk:  I’ve done it quite a few times now and I’m used to the kind of problems that arise-like having to sleep in a park because the train arrived too late for me to get a hostel bed, and trying to keep to a tight budget. The mistake people often make is to just get off at the tourist spots. Try getting off the train at the little villages, like I do. They’re usually fascinating and the people are friendlier, too. Even if they don’t understand your miserable attempt at their language they still smile and nod.  Now match each of the students (1 to 5) to the appropriate statement.  Note: there are two extra statements.  Statements  

问答题 Practice 1  Directions: Read the texts from a newspaper article in which five people talk about where they played when they were children. For questions 1 to 5, match the name of each people (1 to 5) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.  Peter:  My favorite childhood play area was the back garden. Back in the days when I was growing up on a large housing estate, the ‘goals’ would be a pair of garage doors or two jackets laid out in the garden. I would spend hours kicking a ball about with my dad, learning how to control, dribble or kick it.  Simon:  The playground was quite small The floor was covered with flat bricks and there were many that were cracked or broken or missing, and a few weeds struggled through. It was totally enclosed on one side by the school and on the other by high brick walls. It was more like a prison yard--on top of the walls was a layer of concrete into which pieces of broken glass had been stuck. After school was finished my friends and I would climb a lamppost outside the school and sit on top of the wall, slowly breaking off the bits of glass.  Alan:  I come from an area of terraced houses, pavements and streets. There were no gardens. My first school was Prince’s Street Primary and the room in which I received my first lessons had large, folding glass doors that opened onto a small playground that had grass, bushes and flowers. My amazement at seeing these items, which are normal to most of the world, has stayed with me all my life.  Nick:  I was strictly forbidden from the obvious playground--a long, overgrown ditch running through waste ground, mainly built to take away the rain. It was irresistible to us local schoolchildren. Its charm, compared with the surrounding tennis courts, football pitches and farmland, was purely because it was out of bounds. That area was truly where I grew up, more than in the rest of the little town’s correct and neat suburbia, where my house was.  Julle:  Unitl I was twelve I was brought up on airforce camps and each camp had a small playground in the middle of the houses. It was always a great meeting place and I remember sitting with my friends on the swings many evenings until dark. You would often go out and swing for hours until someone else came out. I always liked swinging.  Now match each of the people (1 to 5) to the appropriate statement.  Note: there are two extra statements.  Statements  

问答题 Practice 1  Directions: Read the texts from a magazine article in which five business leaders talked about their predictions for high-tech developments in the 21st century. For Questions 1 to 5, match the name of each person to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.  Maguel de Icaza:  Free software benefits people, countries and companies by giving them complete control of the software on which they depend. This is helping close the digital divide between developed and underdeveloped countries. People who previously might never have had access to this sort of technology are already leading the efforts to bring it to the developing world. Free software is the foundation on which a fairer future and a more efficient economy is being built.  Austin Hill:  Welcome to the future. Your mobile phone tracks your location, your interactive TV records your viewing habits. Privacy is to the information age what environmentalism was to the industrial age. Businesses will protect themselves, and their customers, by introducing privacy-promoting technologies and building better data controls into every aspect of their operation. A leading class of privacy protectors will emerge in every industry, and both they and their customers will reap the rewards of the ethical privacy brand.  Ng Ede Phang:  This will be the year that plain old text e-mail sits up and starts talking--and talking a lot. The human voice is powerful weapon. An e-mail doesn’t tell me whether you’re happy, sad or excited, whereas lnternet voice services provide all these key emotional characteristics. The human voice adds a very powerful element to business relationships that e-mail just cannot match.  Murray Goldman:  For those of us who live on airplanes, a key decision is which electronic devices to carry on a trip. The future is in the appropriate combination of communications and computing devices. Many business travelers will require the full computing power of a personal computer, with a screen large enough to do intensive work. As a result, lightweight notebooks have been introduced to the market with innovative options such as built-in DVDs, cameras and wireless capabilities.  Christine Karman:  We’ll see agents on portals and community websites helping people trade goods and information. Venture capitalists are shifting from dotcoms to software and hardware companies. In Europe, that shift is hard to make because we don’t have a Silicon Valley from which lots of companies are conquering the world. As a consequence, the slowly emerging Internet and software industry in Europe may not survive. If I were starting a new software company now, I’d go to California or Boston.  Now match the name of each person (1 to 5) to the appropriate statement.  Note: there are two extra statements.  Statements  

问答题 Practice 1  Directions: Read the texts from a cyber saloon in which five people talked about Tofu (also known as bean curd), a traditional Chinese and Japanese food. For questions 1 to 5, match the name of each person to one of the statements (A to G) that he or she is most likely to say. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.  Jenise:  I love peas and beans more than most people, so tofu is a natural choice for me. My Chinese friend Annabelle loves them too, and tells me that soy beans contain an ingredient not present “n any other food source, or at least in that concentration, that helps prevent breast cancer. When we share a big bowl of these, we eat with abandon “for medicinal purposes”! I like it plain although there may be many different ways to prepare it and it may cure other diseases.  Lee:  In fact, 1 was probably preprogrammed to like it: as a kid one of my favorite books was Toru and the Tofu (hope I’m remembering the title right), a story about a young Tokyo boy, named Toru, who was given the assignment, his first, of going to the neighborhood tofu maker’s by himself and bringing back some freshly made cubes for dinner. I can still recall Toru’s unique way of getting it home intact (with a jar filled with water). It all seemed very strange to the five-year old me in semi-rural Southern California.  Hoke:  It’s great in spicy Sichuan style soups, especially with fish, but I like it fired quickly to give a crisp exterior whilst retaining a moist, soft interior. Steaming is another option, with a pork and prawn mince (with spring onion) on top of each cube. The thing that I love most is the texture--really good tofu is just amazing in the mouth, poised as it is between solidity and fluidity. I’m definitely a fan.  Nyby:  It’s sort of weird to me. You go in to one of those “Mock Vegetarian” restaurants only to find everything on the menu “mock’--mock chicken, mock beef, mock pork, etc. Now whatever you order, it’s tofu molded into something that looks like that particular meat. I don’t know about you, but if I’m eating a vegetarian I don’t need to go through a fantasy of pretending I’m eating a veal cutlet or a pork chop or a chicken breast. Is this to delude someone, or distract them from thinking they are eating vegetarian food?  Robin:  Precisely because it is so “tasteless”, I eat it like a madman: I like the way it picks up the flavors of the dishes it’s served with. I can enjoy it in lots of different cuisine, in moderate quantities in relation to other ingredients in each dish. If you try them and tell me that you don’t think they have much flavor, I’ll have to disagree because that’s not true of tofu. The flavor’s mild and you can combine that with the hottest spices in the world, which for me illustrates its most endearing attribute. It does a reasonably good job of absorbing a great many flavors.  Now match each of the persons (1 to 5) to the appropriate statement.  Note: there are two extra statements.  Statements  

问答题 Practice 1   Directions: Read the texts from the “LETTERS” section of a magazine in which five people commented on the magazine’s story of Bono, a superstar. For questions 1 to 5, match the name of each person (1 to 5) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.   Caroline Hartman:   Thanks for the terrific article on U2’s Bono and his efforts to save Africa from financial ruin. He’s not a saint. He is a hard-working, real man, using his gifts to inspire us in song and make a difference in the world. Some issues are so serious that most of us don’t even try to fix them. Bono can’t save the world by himself, but like others who have shown the way, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas Gandhi, he is proving that one man can make a difference.   Molly Leusehel:   Bono may be smarter, better informed and more committed than other stars, but Africa’s problems are larger than his ambition. After living in Africa nearly six years, I returned to the U.S. with more questions than answers. Debt relief is a noble idea, hut most foreign aid does little to enrich the life of the average African.   Amanda Adiehie:   I am a 24-year-old Nigerian and have often viewed stars’ “concern”for Africa with resentment. My reaction to Bono was different: I was impressed. He is right in recommending not only debt relief but the lowering of trade restrictions on African countries. What Africa needs is not gifts of fish but fair access to the fishing pond.   Mallni Ranganathan:   Your story on the smartest superstar on the planet was brilliant. I felt like I was right there with him, there to nod my head in approval and to believe in the potential of his African-debt-relief campaign, there to appreciate the peculiar, stubborn, witty and human sides to a guy who seems too famous to be real. Hats off to you for capturing these features so aptly and for making Bono’s personality so real, his cause so true.   Lynne Pereira:   I loved your article on Bono, but why the annoying wording on your cover: “Don’t laugh--the planet’s biggest rock star is on a mission to make a difference”? Who would want to laugh? Bono has proved that he’s willing and able to do what plenty of world leaders can’t or won’t do put his money where his mouth is and make a difference.   Now match each of the people (1 to 5) to the appropriate statement.   Note: there are two extra statements.   Statements   

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