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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2024-04-17 05:01:15 发布人:

1、 What does the woman do in her free time? (单选题)

A. Go for a drink,

B. See films.

C. Travel around.


2、 What is the woman going to do on Sunday? (单选题)

A. Go to the beach with the man.

B. Have a dinner with her family.

C. Receive some guests at home.


3、 The best time of the day to read stories to a child is__________. (单选题)

A. when the child is still active in the early evening

B. when the parents finish the day’s housework

C. when the child has a chew toy to play with

D. when the child is quiet and peaceful


4、 What do the speakers agree about taking the train? (单选题)

A. It is safer.

B. It is faster.

C. It is cheaper.


5、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
It was a summer evening. I was sitting by the open window, reading a (36)____ Suddenly, I heard someone crying, "Help! Help!" It came from the tree at the other end of the yard. I(37)____but it was too dark to see anything clearly. Almost (38)____I heard the cry again. It (39)____ like a child, but I could not imagine what anybody would be doing in our backyard.
I decided to go out and have a (40)____ in the yard, just(41)____ someone was in trouble. I got a flashlight and a (42)____ and went out into the yard.(43)____ I heard the cry. "Who´ s there?" I (44)____ as I walked across the yard toward the trees. But there was no (45)____. With the help of my flashlight, I (46)____ all over that end of the yard. There was no (47)____ of anybody or any-thing. I came to the conclusion that my (48)____ was playing tricks on me, probably because of the story I was reading about strange beings on the moon.
Feeling rather (49)____ about walking around in my own backyard with a stick, I went back in-to the (50)____. I had just sat down to read my book again when I was (51)____ by the cry of "Help!
Help!" this time from right behind me. I (52)____ my book and jumped up. There, sitting on the table, was a large parrot, a bird that can copy human (53)____ ! While I was out in the yard, it must have (54)____the light in the living room and(55)____ through the open window.
{TS}第(36)题选 (单选题)

A. newspaper

B. book

C. letter

D. report



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