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Passage 8  ● Read the magazine article below about a company which checks on the service provided by shops.  ● Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B or C on the opposite page.  ● For each question 29-40, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.SECRET SHOPPERS  Tim Wright knows all about making companies more efficient. His firm, Check-up, sends ‘secret shoppers’ into retail and leisure companies (29)______ order to make sure that customers are receiving good service. After (30)______ visit, the secret shoppers prepare a report for the company to let them know (31)______ good or bad the service was. ‘Companies like to know,’ says Mr. Wright, ‘that (32)______ customers go into a store just a few minutes before closing time, they will (33)______ get good service.’ Check-up (34)______ set up in the west of England in 1992 and (35)______ two years moved to London so it could offer a nationwide service. (36)______ the last three years, Check-up’s profits have (37)______ dramatically as companies have come to realize (38)______ great importance of good customer service. Having started with just; three employees, Check-up now has a staff (39)______ sixty-five and last week (40)______ an important new contract with a major supermarket chain.  29. A in      B by        C on  30. A our      B his       C their  31. A whether    B how        C if  32. A while     B when       C. As  33. A still     B yet        C. Already  34. A has      B is        C was  35. A until     B. After      C later  36. A From      B During      C Since  37. A increase   B increasing    C increased  38. A this     B that       C the  39. A of      B. At       C too  40. A sign     B signed      C signing


Passage 8  ● Read the magazine article below about...






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