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教师公考类 | 中学教师资格证



发布时间: 2024-01-10 05:00:19 发布人:

1、 下列关于Photoshop CS“魔棒工具”选项栏(如图8所示)中“容差”值的表述正确的是()。

A. 取值范围是0到128,输入的值越小选取的范围越大

B. 取值范围是0到255,输入的值越小选取的范围越大

C. 取值范围是0到128,输入的值越大选取的范围越大

D. 取值范围是0到255,输入的值越大选取的范围越大


2、 窦房结是正常人体的心脏节律性收缩的起搏点,它位于( ) (单选题)

A. 下腔静脉与右心房的交界处

B. 左心室壁

C. 上腔静脉与右心房的交界处

D. 右心室壁


3、 请阅读Passage l。完成第{TSE}小题。
Passage 1
From James Moriarty to Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the idea of the evil genius has been a staple of storytelling.But is it true? Or, to put the matter less starkly, is there a connection between creativity and dishonesty in real people who are not bent on world domination, as well as in fictional supervillains? Writing in Psychological Science, Francesca Gino of Harvard University and Scott
Wiltermuth of the University of Southem California suggest that there is--and that cheating actually increases creativity.
Dr Gino and Dr Wiltermuth tested the honesty of 153 volunteers with a task that involved adding up numbers for a cash reward, which was presented in a way that seemed to them to allow them to cheat undetected(though the researchers knew when they did).This was sandwiched between two tests for creativity, one of which was to work out how to fix a candle to a cardboard wall with a box of drawing pins, and the other a word-association test.This combination showed not only that creative people cheat more, but also that cheating seems to encourage creativity--for those who cheated in the adding-up test were even better at word association than their candle-test results predicted.
That result was confirmed by a second set of experiments, in which some people were given many opportunities to cheat and others few.The crucial predictor of creativity, the researchers con-firmed, was the actual amount of cheating, not any propensity to cheat.
A third experiment tested the idea that this is because both creativity and dishonesty require, as it were, a flexible attitude to rules.In this experiment volunteers were asked about their attitude to bossy signs, such as "no cycling" and "no diving" notices, after being allowed to cheat (again, in a way transparent to the experimenters) on a coin-tossing test.Cheats, it turned out, were less con-strained to obey such signs.
It is, it goes without saying, a long way from such acts of petty defiance to building a lair inside an extinct volcano and threatening Washington from it--or even to non-fictional acts of serious crime.But some sort of link exists, so this research does indeed suggest that Arthur Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming were on to something.
{TS}What can be concluded from the passage about James Moriarty and Emst Stavro Blofeld? (单选题)

A. They are two evil geniuses.

B. They are two psychologists.

C. They are two story-tellers.

D. They are two researchers.


属于非特异性免疫的是(  )。 (单选题)

A. 儿童服用脊髓灰质炎糖丸

B. 患水痘痊愈后不会再患此病

C. 溶菌酶破坏病菌的细胞壁并使其溶解

D. 吃了鱼、虾、蟹后产生腹痛、腹泻反应


5、 下列港口附近,因寒暖流交汇而形成大渔场的是()。 (单选题)

A. 开普敦

B. 函馆

C. 利马

D. 温哥华



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