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学历语言类 | 高起点



发布时间: 2024-04-18 05:01:18 发布人:

1、 一Will you please open the door for me?
    一 __________         .
B.My pleasure   
C.Not at all        
D.You’re welcome (单选题)


2、 根据下面材料回答{TSE}题:
Passage Three
In 2008,the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)wanted to know if all the school lunches served to students were healthy.The answer was a big,fat NO!
The USDA found that most American schools served lunches with too much fat and salt.They also found that most of the fruits and vegetables in the lunches came from cans(罐头).Canned fruits and vegetables are not as good as fresh ones.
The USDA gives schools food and money to make lunches.But schools make up their own menus.Some make healthy lunches.Most  do not.Now the USDA wants all schools to serve more healthy lunches.They want schools to follow the USDA’s guidelines for balanced(均衡)meals.
Mike Sanders,in charge of the USDA in 2008,said the USDA should teach school workers how to make healthier lunches.“A good school lunch is just as important as a good textbook,”Sanders said.He said that children also need to learn about healthy foods.
The USDA is working on a new program--Fresh Start.It will give schools more fresh fruits and vegetables.Fresh Start will also help schools change their lunches to make them healthier.To find the best way to change lunches,the USDA held meetings with parents,school leaders,doctors,and cooks.
 Children already eat healthy lunches at Chief Joseph School in North Saratoga,Oregon.They have whole-wheat bread with low-fat cheese, and low-fat milk.
{TS}What did the USDA find about lunches in most American schools in 2008? (单选题)

A. They were mostly fruits and vegetables.

B. They contained too much fat and salt.

C. Most of them were canned food.

D. Most of them were healthy.


3、 The driver kept one eye on __________ traffic and the other on __________ map. (单选题)

A. 不填;a

B. a;a

C. the;the

D. the;不填


4、 Mrs. Smith persuaded her husband __________  the right thing.    
B.did do 
D.doing (单选题)


5、 请选出划线部分读音不同的选项(    )。 (单选题)

A. bea ch

B. lun ch

C. chair

D. ma chine
