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热门试题热门资讯 相关试题


Passage 1Pupil Size and Communication  It has already been well established that changes in pupil size are clearly associated with changes in attitude. In a typical example, when viewing photographs of food, hungry subjects experience a much greater increase in pupil diameter than do sated subjects (see figure 1). However it now appears that enlarged or constricted pupils can also affect the response of the person who observed them.  FIGURE 1  DIFFERENCES IN PUPIL RESPONSE of hungry subjects and of sated subjects to color slides of various foods is shown. The subjects first viewed a control slide, then a slide of a food and the change in pupil size was measured.  Studies of the pupil as an indicator of attitude point to the possibility that one person uses another person’s pupil size as a source of information about that person’s feelings or attitudes. In one experiment two photographs of an attractive young woman were shown to a group of men. The photographs were identical except that in one the woman’s pupils had been retouched to make them larger and in the other they had been retouched to make them smaller. None of the men reported noticing the difference in pupil size, but when they were asked to describe the woman, they said that the women in the picture with the large pupils was “soft”, “more feminine” or “pretty”. The same woman in the picture with the small pupils was described as being “hard”, “selfish” or “cold”. There could be little doubt that the large pupils made the woman more attractive to the men.  It seems that what is appealing about large pupils in a woman is that they are an indicator of interest, which can be interpreted as sexual interest. However, when men view a picture of a woman with large pupils, their own pupils dilate. In other words, seeing large pupils gives rise to larger pupils. Interestingly, men and women showed almost no increase in pupil size when viewing photographs of members of the same sex with dilated pupils.  That the dilation response is in fact learned rather than innate is supported by experiments with children. In one experiment, subjects aged 6 to 22 were shown drawings of female faces that had different sized pupils, and asked to choose the one which was “happier”.  The results showed that, up to the age of 14, a person does not necessarily perceive larger pupils as being happier than smaller pupils (see figure 2).  FIGURE 2  Age differences in perceiving a face with large pupils as being happier than a face with small pupils  Of particular interest was another finding by McLean: blue-eyed subjects were more likely to judge large pupils as being happy and than brown-eyed subjects. This finding was confirmed when another group of subjects were asked to fill in the pupils on drawings of happy faces and angry ones: the blue-eyed subjects drew larger “happy” pupils and smaller “angry” pupils than the brown-eyed subjects (see figure 3).  FIGURE 3  BLUE-EYED SUBJECTS drew larger pupils on a sketch of a happy face and smaller pupils on a scowling face than brown-eyed subjects. In addition, when viewing a picture that normally causes dilation or constriction, blue-eyed people show a greater change in pupil size.  Blue-eyed people have also been found to have a stronger pupil response than brown-eyed people when they view a picture that causes pupil dilation or constriction. To be more precise, with respect to the total range of response from the smallest pupil size to the largest, the range is greater for blue-eyed people than it is for brown-eyed people.  Based on the information in Reading Passage 3, “Pupil Size and Communication”, indicate the relationship between each of the two measures listed below in terms of:  PC.    if there is a positive correlation  L/N    if there is little or no correlation  NI    if there is no information  Write your answers (PC, L/N, NI) in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet.  MEASURE 1               MEASURE 2  1. Changes in pupil size         Changes in attitude  2. Images of food            Pupil dilation in hungry subjects  3. Small pupil size in picture of woman   Negative response in male subject  4. Pupil dilation in picture of woman    Pupil dilation in male subject  5. Pupil dilation in picture of woman    Pupil dilation in female subject  6. Small pupil size in picture of woman   Negative response in female subject  7. Subjects under 14 years of age      Positive response to large pupils  8. Darkness of eye color in photograph   Subject’s estimate of “happiness”



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在风向频率玫瑰图中,某一方向的线段长度与图例中单位长度的比值表示该方向风的(  )。

