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学历语言类 | 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试



发布时间: 2021-05-07 06:24:34 发布人:

1、Why did Federal agents arrest a Florida man?


A. Because he registered an illegal Internet domain name.

B. Because he registered a pornographic website.

C. Because he lured kids to web porn.

D. Because the Internet domain names are misspelled.


2、Which description is NOT mentioned by Blackstone about homosex?(单选题)

A. An infamous crime against nature.

B. An offence that is as malignant as rape.

C. A heinous act.

D. A crime not fit to be named.


3、Approximately how many of us will experience a mental health problem each year?(单选题)

A. 50%.

B. 25%.

C. 70%.

D. 30%.


4、In North America, ______.


A. consumers cut down 2 and half million hectares of forest each year.

B. the forest service spends a huge sum of money trying to repair the damage caused by consumers.

C. deforestation has cause huge amount of loss.

D. fires have caused steep loss to the forests.


5、Which of the following is NOT true about many people who experience mental health problems?(单选题)

A. They can get over them or learn to live with them.

B. They don’t receive the right kind of help.

C. They are kept away from their families and friends.

D. They receive unfair treatment from the professionals who should care for them.
