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学历语言类 | 全国英语等级考试(PETS)



发布时间: 2021-05-16 05:04:44 发布人:

1、 What does the woman spend most on? (单选题)

A. Trains.

B. Clothes.

C. Meals.


2、 第(34)题选


3、 根据下面资料,回答{TSE}题。
Jessamine is a calligrapher(书法家) and she has, over the years, printed out the history of her town by printing up wedding and death announcements, invitations and menus. Now she has another ability--she finds herself forced to print out such calligraphy of events before they happen.
She knows this is a precious and dangerous gift. She persuades a man in town to accept the love af-fair between his daughter and a young man whom he dislikes because Jessamine has already printed the wedding announcement. Her relationship with Callie, that young woman, is a wonderful inter-generational friendship. When Jessamine prints her own death notice, she deals with it as wisely as she has dealt with all the rest.
The story of Jessamine is only 51 pages long and, as such, there isn´ t much difficulty for less able readers. Meanwhile, the idea that one can use a magic(魔法) power to do good secretly is such an intriguing idea that more able readers will also be drawn to the book.
Readers might be willing to read the book closely to see how DeFelice, the writer of the story,managed to describe such a complex(复杂的) person in so few pages and do it so skilfully. There are times when the passages come close to poetry and students might like to read particular selec-tions aloud. For example, when Jessamine learns that Callie will not win the scholarship which could give her a fresh start in life, the way she gives Callie the strength to accept the disappoint- ment and yet gain self-respect is worth examining.
{TS} What probably is the text? (单选题)

A. A short story.

B. A news report.

C. A book review.

D. A public notice.


4、 第(42)题选 (单选题)

A. knife

B. stick

C. belt

D. gun


5、 How does our brain judge the distance between us and an object? (单选题)

A. By the effort our eyes make to focus.

B. By the speed at which the object moves.

C. By the time it takes us to touch the object.

D. By the brightness of the light our eyes receive.



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